Saturday, October 25, 2008

What is a White Nationalist?

I am a White Nationalist

I'm not here because I hate another race, I'm here because I want to protect the culture, heritage and history of my people, I'm here because I want to secure a white future for my children, I want to secure them the best future I possibly can.

Most people read me wrong, which doesn't frustrate me as much as it amuses me. They seem convinced I fit some sort of stereotype, that I'm some sort of knuckle dragging ape, isolated and ignorant from other races, socially inept, poor, bitter, angry, filled with hate, who was either brainwashed in to his views or formed them because of some unfortunate, unrepresentative incident in my past, someone who is lacking in self pride or self worth who needs to attack others to promote myself. They are wrong.

Obviously I'm not an ape, nor do my knuckles drag on the floor. I'm not going to sit here and over inflate myself, I am not the most intelligent person on the planet and it would be wrong of me to pretend I was, but I'm above average in intelligence, my IQ says this as does my qualifications and my lifetime achievements. Superman I'm not, but neither am I ignorant.

So, unable to place my views at the altar of ignorance, can I claim my perspective has been shaped by isolation?

It's a common enough charge that people bring against nationalists, but I would argue my life has been far from isolated. I was born in England, but I've lived for large chunks of my life in Wales, Canada, USA, and other areas of Europe; on top of that I've visted four continents. I've been a White face in a majority Black world, I've been a White face in a majority White world, I've been to poor countries, I've been to rich countries, I've been to right wing places, I've been to left wing places -- so left wing they've been Communist.

I've been to pro-West places and anti-West places, I've been to Protestant places, Catholic places, Muslim places, Orthodox places, Atheist places and places where they have their own forms of religion, completely alien to the West. I hardly feel that those credentials mark me out as someone who has lived an isolated life and is ignorant of other people, other cultures and other races. In fact I find it to be quite the opposite, I've noticed times when people of other races have been talking about their race and I've ended up being more racially aware of it than they are, because they have lived an isolated life.

So is it that old chestnut that I'm socially inept?

I read this one a lot in the media, they often say that White nationalists have difficulty mixing in society so they have to join some ultra far right cult to feel at home. Well again this doesn't feel like it applies to me. I didn't become a nationalist because I can't make friends offline, in fact I didn't become a nationalist to make friends at all, although having said that I have met many good people, in the Cause, that I do class as friends now.

I have always seemed to do quite well offline, I've travelled the world and met many people, of many nationalities, and had no problems making friends or interacting.

I read a study, a few years back, into how many "friends" we should have and of what type, I found myself to be in the sociable category of the results of that survey, not a party animal, but scoring slighty above average, which suggests to me there is no social ineptitude.

So is it to do with wealth or poverty?

Again this is a frequent argument used to beat White nationalists over the head with, but I've had a life that has allowed me to experience both wealth and poverty and all stations inbetween, so how could it be about money?

So am I angry, bitter, filled with hate?

I don't think I am, I think I'm a sensitive person, acting and believing what I do out of love. I'm not here because I hate another race, I'm here because I want to protect the culture, heritage and history of my people, I'm here because I want to secure a White future for my children, I want to secure them the best future I possibly can. Why would I ever want anything less than that for them?

The next generation is far more important to me than my own life. I've lived long enough on this planet to know that changes will not be effected over night, therefore the majority of my life, if not all of it, will be lived in a world that I feel is harmful to myself and to my race and so the most important thing for me is not about the here and now, but about the future, about making sure I provide the best future that I am capable of securing for the next generation, not just my children, but all White children.

Another frequently leveled charge is that I've obviously been brainwashed, but again I find this hard to believe, I find it hard to believe not just because I am not a low intelligence person, but also because I find it hard to see who could have brainwashed me.

I obviously wasn't brainwashed by the media, the movies, the newspapers, the schools, or the majority of books, as they all oppose me, so it would be easier to brainwash an anti than it would be to brainwash me using the mainstream media, so how was I brainwashed?

Was I brainwashed by peers?

Well I was never recruited to the 'movement.' I found my own way here, so there was no charasmatic figure that led me through deceit to this position, nor did I have friends with these views, before I formulated them myself, so I couldn't have been brainwashed by peers.

Then am I lacking in self worth or self pride?

I'm sure some would laugh at that even being suggested here because I can be an arrogant bastard, full of myself sometimes. I don't think I can be said to be lacking in self worth at all, and I have a lot of pride in what I've achieved in my life, so I think we can scratch that one from the list as well.

What about some incident in my past?

Was there an unrepresentative incident, involving a non-White that shaped my views?

Again, I have to answer no. There have been incidents in my past, more than I would have liked to experience, but I've also had bad experiences with White people as well; I'm not one of these people that claims all Whites are perfect angels and that life would suddenly be paradise if we were all segregated -- my intelligence stretches beyond that sort of reasoning. No, I have had bad experiences, but they didn't make me what I am today, and some of them I merely view as evidence, supporting the views that I had already formulated. But in the majority of cases I have viewed these incidents as being personal, isolated incidents that are representative of nothing.

If a dog bites me I don't instantly believe that all dogs will bite me; in the same way if I have a bad experiance with a non-White, or a White, I don't assume that that is typical behaviour representative of all. I tend to base my views on much more substantive evidence than that.

So am I attacking non-Whites to promote my own stock?

Hardly, because as I already stated I am not seeking to attack anyone, I'm seeking to defend the White race and I don't believe that we have to wipe all the other races out to secure our future.

In a recent conversation I was talking with a Native Canadian. He is, by my definition, non-White. By the end of the discussion we were in agreement. We shared the view that the best thing for both our races was for us to live apart, so that our own cultures could prosper and flourish, we agreed that we were not each other's enemies and that our common enemy was those who force us to integrate -- they were the ones who threatened us, our heritage and our culture.

Was I attacking him to promote the White race?

I'm not a nationalist because I hate another race; I'm a nationalist because I want to protect the culture, heritage and history of my people; I'm a nationalist because I want to secure a White future for my children, I want to secure them the best future I possibly can. Why would I ever want anything less than that for them?

I came to the views that I have through independent means, through reasoning. I have sorted out all sources of knowledge, representing all sides of the debate; I have cogitated upon this information and come to my own conclusions. Everything I am ever told I question; everything I ever read I question; everything I ever hear I question. I don't follow anyone or anything like a sheep. I make my own decisions and if I think something is wrong then I will say so. However I do think that the core principals of White nationalism are right. This is my view, based on all the evidence that I have found, or that has been presented to me.

Here's a question for you: Why would I chose this route unless I was 120% sure it was right?

Being a non-nationalist is easy, everyday you say what the system wants to hear, that's easy; being a White nationalist is hard. Every day of the year I say things the state hates to hear, I risk losing friends and jobs because of my views, I risk being sent to jail because of my views, I risk getting beaten up because of my views, I risk being murdered because of my views. Do you think I'd choose that path lightly?

I would love to be wrong. Suprised?

No seriously, I would love to be wrong, because if I was wrong then I could relax, I could live happily in the world knowing I had to do nothing but enjoy it to secure the future for the next generation. I wouldn't have to worry about what a boss might think of my views, I wouldn't be classed as one of the lowest forms of life on the planet, I wouldn't risk the same beatings, or the same threats to my life, I wouldn't have to worry about being sent to jail. That would be bliss. I would love to be wrong; but I'm right.

It's been over five years since I heard a new argument from an anti -- all the time I hear the same recycled junk.

I've almost begged those opossed to my views to show me why I'm wrong, to show me their vision of a better world, but 99.9% of them can offer nothing more than insults.

Now I ask you this, I believe that I am defending my culture, my people, my race, I want nothing more than to secure the future for the next generation of White people. And I am committed to that goal. How commited is a person that they can't even answer a question when asked?

If a person truly believes he is right then shouldn't he be willing to go to any lengths to 'convert' the people he meets?

Well, convert me.

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