Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wal-Mart Backs Obama Health Plan

My note: I have been an outspoken supporter of Wal-Mart for many years. I have always come to Wal-Mart's defense whenever I hear anyone say something negative about them. I defended Wal-Mart because it is the epitome of the endless possibilities of a free market system, and a testament to Sam Walton's vision and hard work. If you haven't read his biography Made In America I highly recommend that you do.

However Wal-Mart has caved to the grip of Marxism, something that I can never forgive. I want this to be a public notice that I will never defend Wal-Mart again. On the outside this may seem like a trivial statement since this site only receives 100 visits per day on average, but in my mind it is a major decision, since as stated above I have always stuck my neck out and defended Wal-Mart on many occasions whether it be to disgruntled employee's in the store, people online, or random acquaintances. Sam Walton is someone I have always had a deep admiration for and I am very saddened for his sake and the sake of our nation to see the direction in which his company is headed.

By John Carlisle
In a June 30 letter to the White House, Wal-Mart endorsed Obama's health care plan. The letter was jointly signed by Andrew Stern, boss of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and John Podesta, who led the Obama transition team and is chief executive of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress.

Although the move was unexpected to some, it was no surprise to NLPC. In a Special Report published in 2006 and updated in 2008, I chronicled the company's move to the Left in a futile campaign to placate liberal critics like Wal-Mart Watch, funded by SEIU. On major issues except for "card check," Wal-Mart has become a powerful tool of liberal activist groups.

Obama's plan includes an employer mandate to vastly increase government control over health care ostensibly to provide coverage to 46 million uninsured Americans. Wal-Mart's support represents a betrayal of the large segment of the business community opposed to the plan, not to mention a betrayal of the free-market principles that made Wal-Mart great.

The letter from Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke was personally delivered by Leslie Dach, Wal-Mart's executive vice president of corporate affairs and government relations, to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Dach is a veteran Democratic political operative, who once worked for President Bill Clinton, whom Wal-Mart hired in 2006 as part of the company's ill-conceived campaign to tame its critics.

Wal-Mart's collaboration with its union enemies on health care is not new. On February 7, 2007, then Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott held a joint press conference with Stern where he announced the retailer's support for the labor movement's longtime goal to create a government-run system of universal health coverage. It did no good. Unions continued to fund multi-million dollar campaigns attacking Wal-Mart.

Although Scott stepped down as company CEO in February 2009, he still plays a significant role in the company as chairman of the executive committee of the board of directors.

Wal-Mart has now thoroughly rejected the brilliant entrepreneurial legacy of its founder Sam Walton. Wal-Mart was once hailed as a hero by numerous free market advocates for its success and initial decision to stand up to union bullying. Now, it has joined the ranks of General Motors, Citigroup, AIG and other corporate sellouts to peddle the dangerous expansion of government power sought by the Obama Administration.

Wal-Mart's betrayal sent shock waves through the business community. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says an employer mandate would force companies to cut jobs, lower wages and drive many out of business.

The National Retail Federation, the main lobby for the industry, said it was "flabbergasted" by Wal-Mart's decision. "We have been one of the foremost opponents to employer mandates, said Neil Trautwein, vice president of the trade group. "We are surprised and disappointed by Wal-Mart's choice to embrace an employer mandate in exchange for a promise of cost savings." Trautwein added that the employer mandate is "the single most destructive thing you could do to the health care system shy of a single-payer system...[and] would quite possibly cut off the economic recovery we all desperately need."

In a February 9, 2007 interview on the Fox News show, "Your World With Neil Cavuto," I summed up the problem:

Wal-Mart just doesn't get it. They don't understand that there's no way that you can appease the Left. These people are ideologues. They're anti-free market, they're pro regulation and there's no way you can cave in to their agenda.

Wal-Mart may foolishly believe it is buying peace from Stern and the union bosses. In fact, the company is setting itself up for an even more relentless assault by the Left who now realize it will sell out its friends. The real tragedy is that in jumping on Obama's nationalization bandwagon, Wal-Mart may be jeopardizing not just itself but America's economic future.


  1. Never fear, your confidence in Walmart as a market power has not been displaced. An employer mandate would put the rest of the small businesses that compete with Walmart out of business, and Walmart would continue to refer a large number of its employees to Medicare and Medicaid because of age or low income. For the rest of Walmart employees, There would still be the $7,000.00 a year cost for a policy with $4,000.00 deductible for a person making $20,000 a year... -- just over half of the person's salary. And they could still get food stamps. So keep the faith.

  2. I understand your tongue and cheek remark, and I can't say I disagree with you.

    Although I will never respect a company who now is so blatantly in bed with the government and benefits from the growth of government much like the military industrial complex.

    I understand Wal-Marts motives in this, and as I said in the post Sam Walton would be utterly disappointed.

  3. You know, I have lived in the NWA area all of my 41 years and I can tell you that I see nothing at all has changed in the was Wally-World is conducting business since the passing of Sam. Sad as it is, this company is just what Sam feared it would become and there is very little that can be done about that.
    As for "government run health care", it is that way now, just the same as it always has been. You have any idea why it is that health care costs so damned much in this country? Because the government pays so much for it to begin with that health care officials think that they can and should charge even more to the rest of the public.
