Friday, January 1, 2010

Truth In Our Time In 2009

2009 was quite a year. In many ways it was a terrible year (not all bad though) however here at Truth In Our Time the results were terrific.  Even though Google reduced my pagerank from 4 to 2 we still saw a tremendous increase in traffic.

If you compare the Hits from December 2008 to December 2009 our traffic is up 600% from just 1835 in December 2008 to 11292 in December 2009!

In the Liberty movement we really are on the brink of accomplishing great things. More and more people everyday are waking up to the reality of our situation and throwing out their TV's and replacing the so called news, with actual unfiltered news stories from around the country. Because of this Dr. Rand Paul is going to make it to the US Senate this year.  Although he will only be 1 voice out of 100 it is a great achievement and a momentous occasion.

We are beginning to unify and when we stand together we will accomplish great things. With your help in 2010 we can help spread the whole Truth to more and more people around the world and loose the grip of tyranny. Don't think for a second that it is someone else's duty to take the time and spread the message. It is YOU who needs to become motivated and realize that YOU can make a difference, don't let anyone tell you that you can't.

This website squashes that lie. I started this website because I wanted to have a place where people can trust the content, a place that is dedicated 100% to the Truth no matter what.  Now look what we have accomplished nearly 80,000 visitors in 2 years, 60 subscribers and 600% growth rate year over year!

2010 is the year for you to get involved you can

1. Spread the word via craigslist (VERY effective)
2.  Email me stories that won't be shown by the controlled media, I will post them here and they will be seen by thousands of people per month.
3. Email your friends and family stories from Truth In Our Time, post stories in forums or the comment section of other blogs EVERYWHERE online.
4. Put your money where your mouth is, I don't need money here, but other people do like Dr. Rand Paul or groups that are dedicated to fighting Jewish Communism.

The most important thing in 2010 is never back down.  If you have the Truth behind you than don't give an inch, don't compromise and keep fighting the good fight.  You might think you are fighting alone, but know that there are hundreds of thousands across the globe fighting for personal freedom.  For too long we have compromised what we knew was right in order to appease someone, but no more.  At this point our backs are against the wall, it is the final hour and we must stand together with incredible resolve in order to defeat the tyrants. 

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