Friday, July 2, 2010

Illegal Alien Safe Haven Goes Bankrupt

* How utterly predictable.


A California “sanctuary city” has fallen victim to illegal immigration—going bankrupt and firing all of its public employees, Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reports.

The city of Maywood, Calif., hit the budget wall after it decided not only to be a sanctuary city, but to be a completely “safe haven” for illegal aliens seeking protection from deportation.

“Predictably, mainstream media newspapers, including the Financial Times in London, chose to present Maywood as a victim to the recession, rather than to tell the whole story—that Maywood fell victim to illegal immigration,” Corsi wrote.

“Crushed by the recession and falling tax revenues, the city is disbanding the police force and firing all public sector employees,” Matthew Garrahan wrote in the Financial Times, never mentioning that illegal immigration was the problem.

Maywood is a small town comprising only about 1.2 square miles on the southern border of Los Angeles. More than 96 percent of its residents are Hispanic. The town’s official population is listed at 29,000 but may be nearly 45,000 when illegal aliens living in Maywood are counted.

In January 2006, Maywood’s city council passed a resolution declaring that the city would not enforce any federal law such as H.R. 4557 that sought to declare illegal immigrants to be felons.

More aggressive even than sanctuary laws, this new resolution prohibited Mayfield police from being involved in any immigration enforcement actions undertaken by federal, state or county authorities.


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