"On December 16th, 1773, American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an oppressive tax. This December 16th, American citizens will dump millions of dollars into the Ron Paul presidential campaign to protest the oppressive and unconstitutional inflation tax - which has enabled a flawed foreign policy, a costly war and the sacrificingof our liberties here at home."
Tea Party 07
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Greatest Tragedy of the 20th Century
Upon reading the title of this post I imagine some of you are thinking WWI or Vietnam etc, but I would venture to say the vast majority of you are thinking the holocaust. This doesn't surprise me of course because I not so long ago would've probably said the same thing. Growing up in government schools today it's kind of hard not to because they beat it into your brain at every available opportunity.
The vast majority of my peers would tell you that WWII was fought primarily to rescue the Jews from concentration camps. This has always bothered me because it's the same crowd that says the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) was fought over slavery. Aside from being absurd this is also sad and dangerous how mislead our children are.
It is impossible for me to say how bad the holocaust actually was. I wasn't there nor was anyone I know and furthermore every book written on the subject is by a Jew, or Gentile but based on the finding of Jews. It is the equivalent of a Colts fan writing every article in every paper and magazine about last years Super Bowl, clearly upon reading it you would think that it was the greatest Super Bowl ever yet how can you know for sure when everything is written by such a biased source?
I don't deny that the holocaust happened. I do question it's severity however. There are too many inconsistencies and the minds of people today automatically shutdown whenever they hear or read anything about the holocaust. I don't believe it is right either to put people in jail today as they have multiple times for just questioning aspects of the holocaust. To me that is far to 1984 for my tastes. The sign that hung over Auschwitz originally claimed that 4 million died there then about 20 years ago it was changed to 1.5 million. My question is how if that is the case can you still have a figure of 6 million total in the holocaust?
The purpose of this post originally was not to confirm or deny aspects of the holocaust but to open peoples eyes to what can only rationally be called the Greatest Tragedy of the 20th Century. That is the onslaught of millions at the hands of Jewish communists. Communism to date is the most vicious and deadly ideology the world has ever seen. It is estimated by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation that roughly 100 million people have been murdered since the creation and under the banner of communism. In light of this regardless if it's 6 million or 3 million that died in the holocaust it pales in comparison to 100 million over the past 80 years. This is the root cause of my anger towards the outpouring of sympathy towards the holocaust. All I crave is justice, I have always wanted things to be fair. I don't believe it is fair that the holocaust gets so much attention in school when over 20x the number died at the hands of the Jews and its a near blackout.
I will leave the research side of it to you. There is a plethora of information out there on the holocaust and a decent amount on the crimes committed by the communists. My hope is that you found this post informative and eye opening, as was it's intent.
The vast majority of my peers would tell you that WWII was fought primarily to rescue the Jews from concentration camps. This has always bothered me because it's the same crowd that says the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) was fought over slavery. Aside from being absurd this is also sad and dangerous how mislead our children are.
It is impossible for me to say how bad the holocaust actually was. I wasn't there nor was anyone I know and furthermore every book written on the subject is by a Jew, or Gentile but based on the finding of Jews. It is the equivalent of a Colts fan writing every article in every paper and magazine about last years Super Bowl, clearly upon reading it you would think that it was the greatest Super Bowl ever yet how can you know for sure when everything is written by such a biased source?
I don't deny that the holocaust happened. I do question it's severity however. There are too many inconsistencies and the minds of people today automatically shutdown whenever they hear or read anything about the holocaust. I don't believe it is right either to put people in jail today as they have multiple times for just questioning aspects of the holocaust. To me that is far to 1984 for my tastes. The sign that hung over Auschwitz originally claimed that 4 million died there then about 20 years ago it was changed to 1.5 million. My question is how if that is the case can you still have a figure of 6 million total in the holocaust?
The purpose of this post originally was not to confirm or deny aspects of the holocaust but to open peoples eyes to what can only rationally be called the Greatest Tragedy of the 20th Century. That is the onslaught of millions at the hands of Jewish communists. Communism to date is the most vicious and deadly ideology the world has ever seen. It is estimated by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation that roughly 100 million people have been murdered since the creation and under the banner of communism. In light of this regardless if it's 6 million or 3 million that died in the holocaust it pales in comparison to 100 million over the past 80 years. This is the root cause of my anger towards the outpouring of sympathy towards the holocaust. All I crave is justice, I have always wanted things to be fair. I don't believe it is fair that the holocaust gets so much attention in school when over 20x the number died at the hands of the Jews and its a near blackout.
I will leave the research side of it to you. There is a plethora of information out there on the holocaust and a decent amount on the crimes committed by the communists. My hope is that you found this post informative and eye opening, as was it's intent.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ron Paul Quote of the Day
"Mr. Speaker, I once again find myself compelled to vote against the annual budget resolution for a very simple reason: it makes government bigger. [...] We need to understand that the more government spends, the more freedom is lost. Instead of simply debating spending levels, we ought to be debating whether the departments, agencies, and programs funded by the budget should exist at all. My Republican colleagues especially ought to know this. Unfortunately, however, the GOP has decided to abandon principle and pander to the entitlements crowd. But this approach will backfire, because Democrats will always offer to spend even more than Republicans. When Republicans offer to spend $500 billion on Medicare, Democrats will offer $600 billion. Why not? It’s all funny money anyway, and it helps them get reelected. [...] The increases in domestic, foreign, and military spending would not be needed if Congress stopped trying to build an empire abroad and a nanny state at home." - Dr Ron Paul
Friday, November 23, 2007
Suggestions for this Blog
Since this is a relatively new blog and I want everyone to get the most information from this site as possible I am asking for your comments and suggestions. Feel free to email me at truthinourtime@gmail.com, or leave a comment at the end of this post. Thanks for your help and I look forward to providing you with the most useful blog I can.
Ron Paul Quote of the Day
"Capitalism should not be condemned, since we haven’t had capitalism. A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank. It’s not capitalism when the system is plagued with incomprehensible rules regarding mergers, acquisitions, and stock sales, along with wage controls, price controls, protectionism, corporate subsidies, international management of trade, complex and punishing corporate taxes, privileged government contracts to the military-industrial complex, and a foreign policy controlled by corporate interests and overseas investments. Add to this centralized federal mismanagement of farming, education, medicine, insurance, banking and welfare. This is not capitalism!" - Dr. Ron Paul
Dr. Ron Paul
The first time I read anything about Ron Paul, was on wikipedia. They had an over view of the Presidential Candidates for '08 and I was searching for one to endorse. As you can easily tell by this site I am a proud American. I like many of you have become angry with the neo cons who have hijacked the GOP and are now as liberal as any democrat from say 10 years ago. I was searching for a candidate whose views were those of the founding fathers. I have admired the Founders my entire life for their bravery and foresight. They were great men who risked everything they owned as well as their lives and their families lives on just a chance to be free. That is something that has always amazed me.
The more I read of Ron Paul the more passionate I became for his message. Here is a candidate in 2007 many years after the Revolutionary War that speaks as though he is from 1776. I am not prone to believe in reincarnation but he is as close to the founding fathers as anyone I have read about from the past 100 years.
What attracts me to Ron Paul almost as much as his message of freedom from government oppression is the fact that you can tell he genuinely believes it to. He isn't in the pocket of some foreign country or wealthy bankers nor is he a tool of the CFR. Lately I had become so disillusioned with the entire political process in America. This quote by Carol Quigley who did extensive research on the Council on Foreign Relations I believe sums it up best. This is the CFR's goal for America and today as in 2000 or 2004 you can so clearly see it to be true.
"The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy." - Carol Quigley
Now if that doesn't sum up the current situation and scare you to death I don't know what will. After reading something like that Dr. Ron Paul is an absolute breath of fresh air. He speaks with conviction and lack of any ulterior motives. I encourage everyone to follow the links below as well as search google and youtube to learn more about this candidate. For the first time I look forward to voting for one hell of a man and not the lesser of two evils. If Ron Paul fails to win this election I will be very troubled but it is still encouraging to know there are still men in office like Dr. Ron Paul.
Quotes from Dr. Paul
Dr. Paul's official site
Ron Paul's Political Positions Wikipedia
The Ron Paul Library
Ron Paul: Stop Dreaming
Ron Paul: A New Hope
Ron Paul On The Federal Reserve
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Quote of the Day
"Civilization has affected us. We abhor personal encounter. Many a man will risk his life, with an easy mind, in a burning house who would recoil from having his nose punched. We have been taught restraint from our emotions, to look upon anger as low, until many of us have never experienced the God sent ecstasy of unbridled wrath. We have never felt our eyes screw up, our temples throb, and have never had the red mist gather in our sight. But, we expect that a man shall, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, divest himself of all restraint, of all caution, and hurl himself upon the enemy, a frenzied beast, lusting to probe his enemy's guts with three feet of steel or to shatter his brain with a bullet. Gentlemen, it cannot be done without mental practice. Therefore, you must school yourselves to savagery. You must imagine how it will feel when your sword hilt crashes into the breastbone of your enemy. You must picture the wild exaltation of the mounted charge when the lips are drawn back into a snarl and the voice cracks with a passion. At one time, you must be both a wise man and a fool." - General George Smith Patton Jr.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Quote of the Day
"In this world him who does not abandon himself the Almighty will not desert. Him who helps himself will the Almighty always also help; He will show him the way by which he can gain his rights, his freedom, and therefore his future."
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Hamburg on 20 March 1936
The Unabashed Truth
Some may find it hard to believe that a relatively short time ago Senators in our country made statements like what you are about to read. If comments such as these were made today by anyone in the public eye they would most likely be burned at the nearest stake or shot via firing squad. Sadly the people who make these statements above a whisper nowadays without fail promptly apologize on every TV and radio show for the next month, take diversity classes, and make huge donations to black organizations. So without further ado..............
"If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro."
(Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)
This quote is found on a link I will give at the end of this article that contains 100 facts about the black race. I'm sure at this point many of the words floating around in some of your heads right now are "racist" "bigot" "white supremacist" etc. I challenge you however to keep an open mind while you read through them. I implore you to find anything in the 100 that isn't a fact. Every fact is backed up with one or more sources that you can find on the bottom of the page. Here are several examples.
FACT #33: Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.
FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.
FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than Vice Versa.
FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks.
FACT #42: More than 66% of the children of Negroes are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their illegitimacy rate is ten times that of Whites.
As you can see this isn't something you will find many other places. Just remember the Truth will always stand up to any test, and there is no shame in being right.
The Facts
"If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro."
(Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)
This quote is found on a link I will give at the end of this article that contains 100 facts about the black race. I'm sure at this point many of the words floating around in some of your heads right now are "racist" "bigot" "white supremacist" etc. I challenge you however to keep an open mind while you read through them. I implore you to find anything in the 100 that isn't a fact. Every fact is backed up with one or more sources that you can find on the bottom of the page. Here are several examples.
FACT #33: Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.
FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.
FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than Vice Versa.
FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks.
FACT #42: More than 66% of the children of Negroes are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their illegitimacy rate is ten times that of Whites.
As you can see this isn't something you will find many other places. Just remember the Truth will always stand up to any test, and there is no shame in being right.
The Facts
Monday, November 12, 2007
The War of Northern Aggresion (Civil War)
I'm sure nearly every one of you grew up learning about the "Civil War" in public school. You learned that it was fought over slavery and that the Confederacy wanted to keep slavery and the Union who was full of good hearted abolitionists wanted to end this horrible practice. This couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm sure a good number of you know that the Union also had slaves and it was far from an exclusive Southern practice. I'm sure you know too that the vast majority of citizens on both sides of the war never owned a single slave. Slavery would have gone the way of the horse and buggy given time and everyone knew it. Why would you keep 20 slaves and their families, feed them, clothe them, pay for their medical expenses when you can upgrade to modern industrial farm equipment? The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever and given time would've made slavery impractical.
Everyone hails Lincoln for freeing the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation, however this only freed slaves in the Southern states over which he had zero control as they were another country. It was done for two reason, one as a PR push and the second to cripple the Confederacy economically. Had Lincoln had genuine concern for the enslaved he would've and could've easily freed slaves in all states but he did not.
The second main point I would like to convey is that this "Civil War" wasn't a Civil War. A Civil War is 2 factions fighting to take over one country. This was two separate countries fighting because the Union didn't want to lose the tax dollars if the South seceded. The South wanted nothing more than to be let alone and have fair taxation just like any of the Northern states. They wanted to trade freely with Europe and not have high tariffs put on the goods by our government.
It is incredibly ironic the similarities between the "Civil War" and the Revolutionary War. As I see them they are as follows.
1. We didn't want a war in either case.
2. The North and England taxed our goods unfairly.
3. The North and England attacked because they didn't want to lose the tax revenue.
4. The reason for secession in both cases was freedom from oppression.
I think these are major similarities that link the South to Early America. Yet when you learn about the Revolutionary War in school it is always England who is the bad guy (and rightly so) yet the nearly identical (ideologically) war that happened not even 100 years later it is the North/England who is the hero. People always talk about this War of Northern Aggresion being so sad as it was "brother vs. brother" yet they never delve deeper as to why it actually started. Over 620,000 people died in the war and it could've been so easily avoided had the Union just left us alone.
I'm sure a good number of you know that the Union also had slaves and it was far from an exclusive Southern practice. I'm sure you know too that the vast majority of citizens on both sides of the war never owned a single slave. Slavery would have gone the way of the horse and buggy given time and everyone knew it. Why would you keep 20 slaves and their families, feed them, clothe them, pay for their medical expenses when you can upgrade to modern industrial farm equipment? The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever and given time would've made slavery impractical.
Everyone hails Lincoln for freeing the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation, however this only freed slaves in the Southern states over which he had zero control as they were another country. It was done for two reason, one as a PR push and the second to cripple the Confederacy economically. Had Lincoln had genuine concern for the enslaved he would've and could've easily freed slaves in all states but he did not.
The second main point I would like to convey is that this "Civil War" wasn't a Civil War. A Civil War is 2 factions fighting to take over one country. This was two separate countries fighting because the Union didn't want to lose the tax dollars if the South seceded. The South wanted nothing more than to be let alone and have fair taxation just like any of the Northern states. They wanted to trade freely with Europe and not have high tariffs put on the goods by our government.
It is incredibly ironic the similarities between the "Civil War" and the Revolutionary War. As I see them they are as follows.
1. We didn't want a war in either case.
2. The North and England taxed our goods unfairly.
3. The North and England attacked because they didn't want to lose the tax revenue.
4. The reason for secession in both cases was freedom from oppression.
I think these are major similarities that link the South to Early America. Yet when you learn about the Revolutionary War in school it is always England who is the bad guy (and rightly so) yet the nearly identical (ideologically) war that happened not even 100 years later it is the North/England who is the hero. People always talk about this War of Northern Aggresion being so sad as it was "brother vs. brother" yet they never delve deeper as to why it actually started. Over 620,000 people died in the war and it could've been so easily avoided had the Union just left us alone.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve is an extremely powerful banking cartel that controls our countries money supply. It has been in power since 1913 and is tightly shielded from scrutiny of any kind by the press. Some consider it the biggest problem facing our nation today. It's very name implies that it is a Federal (government) agency which it is not, it is run by private European bankers and was established under the most secret of conditions. Since it's inception there have been some that have openly opposed it but non so far have been able to come close to stopping it. I consider the following links to be of the utmost importance.
The Bankruptcy of the United States
The Biggest Financial Crime in the History of the United States
Money as Debt
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
The Money Masters
Monopoly Men (Personal Favorite)
Martin Luther King
In today's society few people, if any are held in higher regard than Martin Luther King. Only two human beings are honored with their own National Holiday, Jesus Christ and you guessed it Martin Luther King. Washington and Lincoln don't have their own day anymore, and Columbus although lucky enough to have his own day it isn't considered a big enough day for the schools to be adjourned.
His womanizing and communists beliefs are no secret yet they may as well be because of the media blackout on the subject. What needs to be understood is although communism in our time is one thing during the "civil rights movement" it was the height of the cold war and Vietnam and who were we fighting, communists. It was the most traitorous un American stance that could've been taken and he did it with pride. I urge my readers to follow the link and delve into the well documented facts, and let the truth speak for itself.
Truth Starts Here
His womanizing and communists beliefs are no secret yet they may as well be because of the media blackout on the subject. What needs to be understood is although communism in our time is one thing during the "civil rights movement" it was the height of the cold war and Vietnam and who were we fighting, communists. It was the most traitorous un American stance that could've been taken and he did it with pride. I urge my readers to follow the link and delve into the well documented facts, and let the truth speak for itself.
Truth Starts Here
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