Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ron Paul's Answer to the "Conspiracy" of the North American Union

I'm sure many people wonder why on nearly every internet forum there seems to be a plethora of Ron Paul supporters. They probably come off as tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists sometimes but I believe this is with good reason. If you have never researched the CFR, NAU, Bilderberg group, trilateral commission etc. you would think these Dr. Paul supporters are indeed crazy. I can assure you however that this is not true and there is real cause for alarm. Ron Paul is the only voice I have heard at a national level speaking out so loudly against the institutions that threaten our national sovereignty. It is time to wake up and realize that the plans to create a NAFTA superhighway, and eventually a North American Union aren't ramblings from lunatics but are all to real. It is time to take a stand and vote for someone that speaks the truth for a change.

**Edit** Randy brought this to my attention Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America which ties in well to this article which was put about by the CFR Building a North American Community for any of you who would still consider this to be a conspiracy.


  1. I would add to your list: Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, the writings of Chalmers Johnson, and Empire of Debt - The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis by William Monner and Addison Wiggin.

  2. I appreciate the list I'm always on the hunt for great books and articles.

  3. You didn't link to the site? Hey if they don't call it the NAU, then the NAU doesn't exist. Right?

  4. Yeah exactly, funny how people on youtube and the general public I would assume still think the whole Amero, NAU thing is just a conspiracy. Thanks for the link I will add it to the post.
