This is an example of the sheer idiocy of this article and the group
"Ron Paul is pro-choice, state by state," says the report. Paul claims that a state has the right to decide if abortion will be legal, and his "pro-life profile" compares that unfavorably to other pro-choice positions. Birkey asks, “Should a state have the right to allow slavery? Pro-lifers will be shocked to see Paul's actual record."
Well let's compare that to the ultimate rule of law in this Country and that would be the Constitution. The 10th amendment states:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
So as anyone with an IQ over 80 can see that the Constitution MANDATES that issues such as this are left up to the individual states.
People as clueless as these people who claim to protect individual life are obviously to damn stupid to realize that Dr. Paul introduced the Sanctity of Life Act which states that life begins at conception.
Another part of this attempt at this neo conservative attempt to discredit Dr. Paul is that these same assholes couldn't care less about the lives of innocent children in the middle east that are being killed by the hundreds of thousands and born with birth defects due to depleted uranium munitions used by the US and Israel. Yet they claim to support life. What a sick joke.
DENVER, Jan. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- American Right To Life Action, the political 527 group which claims responsibility for derailing Mitt Romney's presidential hopes in 2008 in Iowa and South Carolina, is now targeting U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX). But for what?, created by a nationwide research team working for American Right To Life, today is publishing their dossier on Ron Paul and his surprisingly dismal record on abortion.
If Paul runs for the presidency in 2012, "pro-lifers will be alerted in advance to his pro-choice record," said Darrell Birkey, ARTL research director. "In the last election voters thought Ron Paul was pro-life. We want folks to know the truth."
"Ron Paul is pro-choice, state by state," says the report. Paul claims that a state has the right to decide if abortion will be legal, and his "pro-life profile" compares that unfavorably to other pro-choice positions. Birkey asks, “Should a state have the right to allow slavery? Pro-lifers will be shocked to see Paul's actual record." documents Paul’s opposition to a federal ban on abortion. And since taking his current seat in 1997, his profile calculates that by his own "state's rights" policy, 6,354,072 children have been aborted by the actual policies, and therefore the approval of Congressman Ron Paul.
ARTL "hit a nerve" with its Sarah Palin profile according to Mother Jones magazine which reported that within, "24 hours after the group posted the report, Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, scrubbed its website."
Announced profiles "coming soon" include Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and National RTL's president Wanda Franz.
"Ron Paul has presidential ambition, but we hope he gets serious about protecting the innocent," said Birkey, "because this time around, there's a principled personhood movement that will expose the pro-choice record of pretend pro-life candidates."
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