Dear Liberty Lovers,
The Florida Healthcare Freedom Act (HJR 37) needs our help to get passed out of committees and onto the House floor for a vote. Immediate action is needed!
TODAY is the last chance for the Healthcare Freedom Act to be approved by the Rules and Calendar Council for the floor. We need to act now!
"The federal mandate violates individuals' and states' rights. If you believe in medical freedom; if you believe in individual rights, if you believe that you alone should have the right to decide what health care plan is best for you and your family -- if you believe in these fundamental values that our founding fathers believed in then you need to support this legislation," said Senator Carey Baker
There is a week left in session, HJR 37 - The Healthcare Freedom Act - needs to be approved by the Rules and Calendar Council so it may go to the floor for a vote. There is one more Rules and Calendar Council meeting TODAY, Monday, April 19th, 6:15pm.
Please call the following Representatives on this committee and within the leadership and urge them to approve the bill. You may call them at the following numbers.
Let them know as a Floridian, you deserve the right to choose your own health care.
These Representatives are Florida's last chance for Health Care Freedom.
Cannon, Dean (R) 850-488-2742 407-623-5740 Incoming Speaker
Galvano, Bill (R) 850-488-4086 941-708-4968 Chair
Bogdanoff, Ellyn Setnor (R)850-488-0635 954-762-3757 Vice Chair
Hasner, Adam (R)850-488-1993 561-279-1616
Reagan, Ron (R)850-921-7747 941-727-6447
Adams, Sandra (R)Already Co-Sponsor
To read about this bill please visit: Florida Healthcare Freedom Bill
To Become a citizen sponsor of this bill, along with other Freedom bills, please visit:
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